Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences and reducing their effects


Since publication of the original ACEs in the 1990s, many additional studies have confirmed the science and have given us a deeper understanding of ACEs, albeit still incomplete. Please find below some articles and reports on some of the research that has been published.

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How different types of disadvantage impact England’s pre-school children
Disadvantage has two dimensions – economic and home disadvantage. These have different effects on later outcomes. Need to vary hours in pre-school according to disadvantage. More ...
From a report by Nesta
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Forgiveness versus revenge responses to victimization. Compared with revenge, forgiveness was more effective at restoring sense of humanity - less self-harm, greater sense of belonging and greater importance of moral identity. More ...
From an article by Greater Good Magazine
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What is family? 
Cultures, values, social expectations, laws have changed over time and vary from place to place. In research, love and unconditional non-judgemental support had universal agreement as being important, but what about legal and blood ties? More ...
From research by the Australian Institute of Famil
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The use of mobile devices to calm young children creates longer term issues 
When kids are stressed, and parents put a screen in front of them, children aren't learning how to deal with stress; they are just distracted by the screen. More ...
From a study by University of Michigan and an inte
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Is the decline in children's independent activity one cause of decline in their mental well-being? 
Over last 60 years, understanding has shifted from children as competent, responsible and resilient to focusing on children’s needs for supervision, protection. More ...
From an article in the Journal of Pediatrics
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How do young people see the world differently? 
The Changing Childhood Project was created to better understand what it means to be a child in the 21st century. What is it like growing up today? And how do young people see the world differently? Answers... More ...
From a report by UNICEF
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Volunteering and the positive impact on mental health 
"This study shows the tremendous benefits of youth volunteering. The act of helping others and building empathy and understanding, is a critical protective factor against mental ill-health." More ...
From a report by the Australian Institute of Famil
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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Report UK 2023 
A Crisis of Parenting and Family Relationships. A report with insights from two surveys in 2023, into the prevalence of ACEs in the UK and their effects. Also ideas for prevention and future reduction of ACEs. More ...
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The lasting effects of childhood trauma 
Have you ever met a person who woke up one morning and says, "My ambition is to become an addict." When people are in tremendous pain, their range of choices is limited and not only that their brains are affected by those early experiences. More ...
From an interview on STV
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Never Give Up: a complex trauma film by youth for youth 
Featuring 7 diverse young adults who examine challenges faced, mistakes made, growth attained in struggle to transcend legacies of developmental trauma. Offers collective wisdom, inspiration hope.. More ...
A video from the USA National Child Traumatic Stre
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The Little Book of Adverse Childhood Experiences 
Over half of the people you will meet today have lived with and been affected by ACEs. How would it alter the way you interact with them and your expectations of them, if you saw them through this lens? More ...
From an article by Sue Irwin
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More than eight in ten men in prison suffered childhood adversity
Children who experience ACEs are more likely to adopt health-harming and anti-social behaviours as adults, are at much greater risk of poor health throughout life, and may have greater needs for support from healthcare and other public services. More ...
From an article by Public Health Wales
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning.

Where and When

We meet at the Church Building (details here) for our Sunday Service starting at 10am. For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to ensure you get a parking space and find somewhere to sit before the service begins. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team who will be wearing a Welcome lanyard.

We serve tea, coffee and biscuits from 10am, before the service begins. It is a great way to meet people, or simply take time to find your bearings. All refreshments are free.

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access, and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. Please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. There are disabled toilets in the main foyer.

Our Service

The main service begins at 10am with a warm welcome from one of our team members. Then follows a time of sung worship, led by our band. We typically have 2 or 3 songs lasting approximately 20 minutes. Sometimes a person might pray out loud or read a small passage from the bible. Sometimes people share things that they believe God is saying to the whole church family. This might seem strange the first time you hear it but it’s all part of our connecting with God. We then share news and notices, usually about what’s going on in the life of the church. One of our leaders will then give a sermon that is bible based and that we can apply to our everyday life. We then finish with a final worship song. Sometimes there is an opportunity to receive prayer at the end of the service.

images: Services

What about my kids?

We have a great programme lined up for kids of all ages:

  • Creche (0 months to 3 years). Children under 6 months are welcome but must be accompanied by their parent/grown-up at all times.
  • Livewires (3-7 years)
  • Encounter (7-11 years)
  • Katalyst (11-15 years)
  • Young people (15+ years) Stay in service.

Children stay with their parent or grown-up at the start of the service for the welcome, songs and notices. We really value worshipping God all together as a family. At the end of the notices someone will announce that it’s time for the younger members to go to their various groups. You will need to go with your children to their groups and register them as part of our child safety policy. Whilst you are dropping your kids off at their groups, we pause to take time to chat to someone sitting near or next to us, giving folk a chance to come back before the sermon begins.

The kids group activities vary depending on the age but usually there is a friendly welcome, bible stories, testimonies, praying, music, craft, drama, fun games and free play. Please pick your children up as soon as the service finishes.


Getting Connected

Small Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, some afternoons and some evenings. Check out Small Groups and see if there’s one that you could join, or we can put you in touch with a small group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 

Other Ministries

We also run the following ministries:

  • Men's Ministries
  • Women's Ministries
  • Night Shelter
  • Foodbank
Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.


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We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.

Best Wishes

(Handwritten Signature)