The effects of ACEs are treatable and preventable
Getting help
Counselling can help
135,000 adults who completed an ACE questionnaire and then talked about their childhood experiences produced a 35% reduction in GP visits and an 11% reduction in A&E visits over the following year compared with that group’s prior year use.
"We realized that asking via a questionnaire with later listening and implicitly accepting the person, is a powerful form of doing." Dr Vincent Felitti 2019
People with ACEs scores are therefore likely to benefit from a counselling session.
What is counselling?
Counselling is a talking therapy that involves an accredited counsellor listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with
emotional issues.
At your counselling appointment, you will be encouraged to talk about your feelings and emotions.
An accredited counsellor will listen to you and support you without judging or criticising.
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) is the professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK.
Access their extensive directory of 16,000 counsellors via the link below.
They promote and facilitate research to produce trusted best practice, and provide a robust framework to ensure the profession follows and adheres to the highest possible standards that protect individuals seeking therapy.
Please note that booking counselling is not the right solution for you if:
You are under 18 or you are under the care of a legal guardian.
You feel you are in crisis and need help right now – if so, click this link.
You feel you are in danger or need urgent medical help – if so, call 999.
You were required to undergo therapy either by a court order or by any other authority.
We sincerely hope your counselling session
will really help you.
Too big a step right now?
We know that some people find it difficult to start to talk to a counsellor but lately some very public individuals have openly talked about their own problems. If they can, so can we.
Don't tough it out. Don't think the effect of your ACEs is minimal compared to others' problems.
Strong people can ask for help, just like anyone else can. If there is a chance that you will feel more confident, less sad and anxious, and more
in control of your life, will you take it?
All counsellors aim to build a trusting and non-judgmental relationship where you feel safe and empowered to explore anything that is troubling you. You can start
building such a relationship today through acting on the information above.
If you are still uncertain, why not sign up to
our mailing list for occasional tips while you think things through.